Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I have learnt....

When I was a small kid I was very happy,
Nobody asked me why I was happy and why I smiled.
But today I’m so engrossed with things that people doubt if I smile without reason...
I did not care for anything, any worries...
May be I believed in God then...
He gave me life and will lead me the way to live it...
But today even the smallest thing makes me worried...
Have I lost faith in HIM?
I know I should not think much... They say live in today but we need to plan for tomorrow right?
But what if today is my last day?
I want to live in today I want to be happy today, I want to cherish my today
I don’t want to spoil my today for tomorrow...
Who knows tomorrow may never come and then I will repent for not enjoying my today..
Isn’t it so true... when in college I worried about getting a good job but now I think...
Kash... Then when I was with friends I should have enjoyed more than worrying..
Everything is planned... and so we need not worry...
It’s going to happen the way it is destined to…  only thing in our hand is to put efforts.
 I’m not saying we should not have dreams.. But in making our dreams come true we should not forget our today which is never going to come back.

I have learnt this and want to learn how to live in present!!
I want to live this moment... without worrying what the next moment will bring... 


There is nothing called love in this world.. Huh do u really think there is love... No I think there is only need when need is over love is...