Friday, May 18, 2012

Budding Love # 2

She hates change… she is afraid to try new things!!
He likes to experiment, He loves new things…
Scene 1:
Once they went to an ice cream parlor
As usual she ordered her favorite same old… “Butter scotch”
He ordered the same…
she got irritated…. “Why don’t you order what you like?” … she hates it when he imitates her…
“Because I like Butter scotch…” he answered plainly licking his butter scotch
“No You don’t like butter scotch…” she was reluctant to accept that.
“Ok… because I like YOU… ”
And that put an end to the argument… She was satisfied by that answer!!
——————- *************** ——————-
Scene 2:
They are again in ice cream parlor
“You order first…. You always order what I order….” She said…
“Ok… No problem… “,said he… “One butterscotch for me… and what will you have?”
“Butter scotch… ” She said chirpingly… In her heart knowing he ordered Butter scotch because he knew she will order Butter Scotch.
Without any fight today they both had their icecream… He unknowingly showed her how much he cared for her… and she knowingly accepted it.
——————- *************** ——————-
Scene 3:
Two butterscotch please…
“Ahhh no… today I don’t wanna have butter scotch….”
But Why? Itsn’t it your fav?
Umm yes it is… but I want to try CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIE…
So how is it?? He asked her
It’s good… She answered him casually… she was missing her butter scotch…
Doesn’t look like it’s better than the same old butter scotch… ??? as he handed her the extra butter scotch cone that he had brought for her…
She looked at him with wide open eyes…. As if she found her bundle of joy. They both had THEIR ice cream looking into each other’s eyes, letting the silence do the talking part…
Love is: Knowing what the other person wants without being told by them.
“Isn’t sacrificing our small joys for the happiness of other LOVE?”
I love my eyes when your eyes look deep into them…
I love my nose when you rub your nose against it…
I love my lips when your lips kiss them..
I love my name when you call it…
I love my heart when your heart beats for it…
I love my life when your life is part of it forever…


There is nothing called love in this world.. Huh do u really think there is love... No I think there is only need when need is over love is...